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Unilever • Omo


Visual Concept Market Fit  Packaging Redesign

Key Visual


Brand Architecture

Brand Spirit

Omo (Persil) is one of the most established brands in Brazil, present in most homes and therefore its global brand repositioning needed to be translated to Brazil considering its relevance, its local characteristics and its broad portfolio, the largest of Omo in the world. We started our work on the conceptual interpretation of the entire global strategy for the local version. We reviewed the architecture of the brand, studied its territory, developed the verbal and visual codes, redesigned the existing packaging as well as the visual concept of the new products and created a Brand Spirit with the aim of aligning an expanded visual concept for the various contact brand points. All the work developed was then consolidated into a complete VBI.

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Porto Alegre • BR

+55 51 98162.9599

São Paulo • BR

+55 11 97659.2334



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